Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Perfect Giver

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.” –C. S. Lewis

Ok so its like you get a gift, which is awesome, and you love that gift. You are just as excited to have it than you are to play with it. You were happy, satisfied, thinking that this gift, because of the perfect giver, could not be exceeded by anything else. But then, unexpectedly, just when your situation could not get any better, your giver blows your mind by offering undeserved attachments to the gift, passing your limits of imagination by such a distance that the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory could not even spot it. The original gift expands to a range that you were ever able to visualize yourself having. It’s kind of like that with me.

I arrived here and fell in love with it instantly, before I really knew anything about it. I had an idea of how it would be and an expectation of how things would work. And then God, the perfect giver, exceeded my expectations by a long shot. We had some more orientation today about ministry and services. I cannot explain everything WOL is doing down here without writing like 27 pages on it but they have such a strong foundation and are constantly changing the lives of students and locals alike. Every weekend students go out to different churches to help out from Friday to Monday. As PBB students, we will be in the training program though. They will be teaching us how to work as missionaries and how to serve in our WOL Bible clubs in which we will be assigned according to the country of our choosing (I chose Italy, Guatemala, and Republica Dominicana—I will be placed in one). That’s another area that requires a whole other post. We are required to be involved in a ministry each week as part of our grade. Once you begin the actual BI program your window of ministry opportunities opens up to a whole new range as your training will be complete, which is why I am considering staying and finishing next year off. Let me explain: we will learn Spanish until next April. The school year down here begins officially in April and goes until Nov. Next April we will begin as first year Bible Institute Students with all the others—Full Bible classes in all Spanish. However we are able to graduate from the PBB program in July and come home, my original plan. But I could stay till November of next year to complete a full year in the WOL Bible institute as a first year graduate. Just a possibility, praying about it.

But anyway they were also telling us that after the summer camp and activities next Jan. and Feb., they are taking us to the Southern part of Argentina to a town and we will be sharing the gospel, in Spanish, on the streets, in Spanish, with no translators… in Spanish. Did I mention that we will be doing it in Spanish? I cannot even imagine myself witnessing in Spanish to Argentines, crazy thought. I read in the book Crazy Love that we, as Christians, need to be constantly putting ourselves in situations where if God doesn’t come through, we would be in a lot of trouble. If God doesn’t come through with me this year, daily, I would be, for the lack of a better word, nailed (get it?). But you know what the great thing about living this way is? He does. He promises that He always will provide for us in a way that will best suit us, even when we don’t know what is best for our life; and a lot of times I don’t, despite what I think. Its like the gift, I assumed it was the best I could get; but God, knowing me even better than I do, keeps on surprising me. Why would anyone reject Him and the Christian life—its awesome! Ha

We are going to BA (Buenos Aires) sat for like a tour day so ill let you know how it goes. IM EXCITED. Oh and that story about the graduate that went here.. it’s a powerful story. Ahh I have so many things to tell you!! Ha but yeah. And I am going to start posting up pics soon

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. –2 Tim. 1:7

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